I Love You, Dad

This a Poem close to my Heart, Perhaps I can not say these words to my Dad but I can tell that I love You, Dad,

Warda Writes😊
2 min readSep 25, 2024

I am a child, so small and meek,
In need of hands, in need of care,
The world is vast, I’m young and weak,
But in my father’s arms, no fear can dare.
He shields me from the shadows cast,
A shelter strong, a refuge vast.

When anger swells within my chest,
And storms of tears begin to fall,
He calms the rage, brings joy and jest,
With games that brighten every call.
His laughter clears the darkest skies,
In his embrace, my sorrow dies.

At night, I lay upon his heart,
A steady drum that sings me peace.
The world fades fast, its noise departs,
His warmth ensures my rest won’t cease.
My father’s chest, my softest bed,
Where dreams and comfort gently spread.

He wears the weight of silent pain,
The world’s harsh blows he bears alone.
When sorrow strikes, he won’t complain,
A smile he…



Warda Writes😊

I am a professional Blogger, Writer and Market analyst who have a 10 years of SEO and SEM experience.